A writer at heart, you’ll find me regularly penning words for two blogs that I’ve slowly built over time. Join me to find out if either (or both!) are the right fit for you – I’d love to get to know you better! I believe in creating spaces that invite breathing room, both virtually and in real life. My home is a reflection of this, and so are these online spaces and communities, waiting for you.

For mama hearts…

I invite you to put your feet up for a moment and find me where all mama-hearts can enjoy solidarity, smiles and support for the journey. I’m right here in the middle of it all with you, and I get it. I have just one caution:  don’t be deterred by the name!  Yes, Homeschool Haven started as a space for only homeschoolers. And it’s full of homeschool help, if that’s what you need.  BUT as you explore the content there, you’ll see that it’s also so much more.

For soulful thinkers…

I invite you to step into a slower lane with me and ponder my thoughtful musings over at Choosing Thankfulness.  You’ll encounter words that are often peppered with more questions than answers, but always soaked in hope and full of authenticity.

On socials…

If you’re on social media (I know not everyone is, and I applaud that – in fact I was on the verge of giving it up myself at one point in my life… but that’s a story for another day) I post fairly regularly there and the communities are full of beautiful people that I know you’ll love to meet, too. Click on the links to find me wherever you prefer to connect.

I hope you’ll stick around!